811 Day at Cowabunga Bay!

Help the NRCGA celebrate National 811 Day on Aug. 11 at Cowabunga Bay water park in Henderson! The first 811 people will pay just $8.11 for a full day of fun!


  • $8.11 tickets will be available online only at www.cowabungabay.com.
  • You must use promo code 811DAY to purchase $8.11 tickets.
  • $8.11 tickets will not be available for purchase at the park.
  • A limited amount of tickets are available for $8.11.
  • Come to Cowabunga Bay on Aug. 11 and show your proof of purchase for your $8.11 ticket at the NRCGA booth to receive a gift!

811 Day (August 11) is an annual initiative led by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to ensure the practice of safe digging by calling 8-1-1, a nationwide toll-free number, before any excavation project.