NRCGA membership increased to 52 companies (44 stakeholder members and 8 associate members) compared to 42 in 2023.
Membership Increased
NRCGA membership increased to 52 companies (44 stakeholder members and 8 associate members) compared to 42 in 2023.
To better include our Northern NV members, we rotated 2024 membership meetings between Carson City and Las Vegas. On average, 59 people attended meetings in person or online via Microsoft Teams.
Meetings Rotated Between Las Vegas and Carson City
To better include our Northern NV members, we rotated 2024 membership meetings between Carson City and Las Vegas. On average, 59 people attended meetings in person or online via Microsoft Teams.
The NRCGA taught the fundamentals of “Call Before You Dig” best practices to 1,567 excavators, landscapers and other contractors statewide. The two-hour classes were provided in English and Spanish.
1,567 Excavators, Landscapers, Others Trained
The NRCGA taught the fundamentals of “Call Before You Dig” best practices to 1,567 excavators, landscapers and other contractors statewide. The two-hour classes were provided in English and Spanish.