Classes offered in English & Spanish
Interactive Scenarios & Mock Jobsite
Join us for FREE Excavator Damage Prevention Training, offered in English and Spanish! The NRCGA offers four training locations in Southern Nevada, with multiple classes scheduled each month. Northern Nevada classes are scheduled by request.
Training includes a classroom portion with interactive scenarios, as well as hands on training on a mock jobsite.
If our class schedule doesn’t fit your schedule, email Chance Walker at chance.walker@swgas.com or Austin Benedict at austin.r.benedict@elmutility.com. We’ll work with you to get your staff trained!

Excavator Safety Training Outline
Classroom Learning
- Pre-excavation/811 Process
- White line work area
- Dig ticket 101
- Locating
- Communication between excavator and locator
- Trouble locates
- Line Locate Agreements
- Science of locating
- Marking standards
- Color code
- Pipeline markers
- Excavating
- Prior-to-excavation assign roles, assess job site, protect exposed utility lines, finding unknown lines, etc.
- Steps after damage occurs
Hands-on, Jobsite Scenarios
- 4-5 Man Crews – Roles Assigned
- Typical Scenarios
- Water Main Break
- Pool Installation
- Fence Installation
- Sewer Replacement
- Report a Damage
- Included in every scenario
- White line work area
- Requesting a dig ticket
- Review a dig ticket
- Jobsite walk through
- Jobsite issues
Onboarding New Staff?
Email Chance Walker, chance.walker@swgas.com, or Austin Benedict, austin.r.benedict@elmutiity.com, for more information.