2021 Year in Review

  • Membership
    The NRCGA had 38 member companies in 2021. 32 were stakeholder members and 6 were associate members. 6 of the 38 newly joined the NRCGA in 2021. https://nrcga.org/about/members/
  • 811 Day Skate Knight
    On August 11, the NRCGA held a free skate night, including 2-hours of skating and skate rentals, at the Lifeguard Arena in Henderson, where the Las Vegas Knights hockey team trains. The event included a school supply giveaway. Guests were given a free backpack, compliments of Southwest Gas, stuffed with 811 information and school supplies. The NRCGA partnered with Southwest Gas, R.P. Weddell & Sons Co, Flywheel, and USA North 811 to make the event possible. https://nrcga.org/811-day/
  • NRCGA Sponsorships in Northern Nevada
    The NRCGA provided the Douglas Dirtbags Baseball Club and Embrace Dance Company ballroom dance competition with $1500 each to promote 811. The promotion included banners hung at the baseball field and inside the ballroom.
  • Lone Mountain Excavation & Utilities Wins Silver Shovel Award
    The NRCGA held its annual Southern Nevada Excavator Appreciation Dinner and Silver Shovel Award Ceremony on Nov. 4 at the Golden Knight’s training facility, Lifeguard Arena, in Henderson. The Silver Shovel Award was presented to Lone Mountain Excavation & Utilities for the company’s stellar performance in damage prevention during the previous 12 months. Byrd Underground and Trenchless Evolutions were runner ups. All three companies had zero at-fault damages during the “look-back” period.
  • Best Practices Committee
    Committee members worked with USA North 811 to implement and create codes in preparation of electronic positive response becoming mandatory in Nevada, which is expected to happen in 2022. Once a contractor, excavator or homeowner places an 811 locate request to USA North 811, each utility must go online to communicate the status of the locate once it is completed. USA North 811 will then publish these responses online, allowing contractors, excavators, and homeowners the ability to check the status of responses to their ticket request online 24×7.
  • NUCA/NRCGA Damage Prevention Committee
    The NRCGA developed this partnership to meet with members of the National Utility Contractors Association of Las Vegas to discuss damage prevention in Nevada.