Committee volunteers work together to develop an outreach activity to promote the 811 message to homeowners on national 811 Day, August 11 (or a date close to it). Previous efforts have included an 811 Day Skate Knight at the Golden Knights’ training rink in Henderson and 811 Day at Cowabunga Bay.
- Committee Chair: Lynsay Demko, Southwest Gas, & Ryan White, USA North 811
- For questions, comments or to join this committee, contact:
- More info about 811 Day:
Dawn Rivard, PUCN
Cesar Castillo, RP Weddell
Felicia Tarin, Hole Hogz
Dennis Bott, PUCN
Kaitlyn Cabrera, ELM Utility Services
Austin Benedict, ELM Utility Services
Sal Caponigro, Stake Center